Develop a thorough understanding of your organization
We meet with key members of your team to learn more about the organisation’s structure, operations, business strengths, and opportunities. We take the time and effort to understand your culture and the unique nuances of the situation. Additionally, we review relevant documents including business plan summaries, product and marketing literature, and organization charts. Reviewing these materials prepares us to discuss the company and position with prospective applicants and enables us to assess possible applicants in terms of their styles and "fit".
Refine and confirm the job spec and search strategy
The Job Specification which you’ve provided will be discussed in detail at our initial meeting and either confirmed or refined a little, and will then serve as a selection guide during the course of the search. The Job / Person Specification is a "living document" which is often refined as the search progresses. We also look to expand the base of potential applicants to bring new qualified talent to your attention by identifying strategic companies, industries and clusters from which to recruit.
Identify qualified applicants
In addition to relationship-based techniques, we utilize file scanning of subscription databases and our own proprietary database to identify possible applicants, and networking to identify individuals who meet the position description and have demonstrated success in similar positions. We undertake to provide you with a relatively short list of applicants that will be worth your attention and the related time investment. We work hard to sift out unsuitable or marginal applicants, as we endeavor to neatly match the applicant and organisation.
Interview applicants to assess qualifications and experience
The best-qualified potential applicants are personally interviewed to evaluate their accomplishments, capabilities, style, and potential, using targeted selection and competency-based interview techniques. Following our interview of applicants, we’ll introduce them to the you via a CV describing their past work experience, education, and other relevant information.
Throughout this process, we’ll meet regularly, either in person or via telephone, to discuss potential applicants, results of interviews, feedback from initial references and other key search information. The search process can provide you with valuable feedback as to how WOSA is perceived in the marketplace.
Present the best qualified applicants
Working closely with you, and based on further discussions with prospective applicants, PeopleFinder develops a list of the best-qualified applicants for the position. During this process, the applicant's references will be contacted to verify and validate the applicant's qualifications. To protect an applicant's confidentiality, multiple references are generally conducted only after an expression of strong mutual interest by an applicant and yourselves. Educational verification and other background investigations, including credit and criminal checks, will be conducted on the selected applicant prior to being hired.
Final selection and successful completion
The final selection and offer of employment are usually made by the client. We follow up regularly during the first six months of employment as part of our commitment.